Why Should I File a Police Report After My Accident?

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Immediately after your involvement in a car accident, you must call 911 so that law enforcement officers can be dispatched to the scene of your accident. This is necessary even if your accident was simply a minor fender-bender, as a police report is pivotal for your potential, future personal injury claim. Read on to discover the importance of filing a police report and how a seasoned Toronto car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you gather other necessary evidence.

Why should I file a police report after my car accident?

There may be two sides to the story when it comes to your car accident, your perspective and that of the other driver(s) involved. So personal recount of the accident may be biased, even if you do not intend for it to be. What’s more, the other driver(s) may divert from the truth simply to pass the blame onto you.

For this reason alone, you should file a police report while you are still at the scene of your accident. This is because a law enforcement officer may automatically be considered a neutral third party in this accident. So they may simply report on the facts surrounding the accident, along with any potential safety hazards they may have observed.

In addition, they may collect oral testimonies from witnesses who were present at the time of your accident. Essentially, a witness may equally be considered to be a neutral third party.

With all that being said, you must request a copy of this police report while still at the scene. This may serve as the first of many pieces of evidence necessary for a successful legal claim.

What other measures should I take after my car accident?

Along with calling the police to the scene of your accident, there are other important measures that you must take. They read as follows:

  1. Take photos and videos of your personal injuries, car damages, and safety hazards.
  2. Acquire copies of security camera footage from neighboring houses, businesses, or otherwise.
  3. Collect the contact information of the other driver(s) involved (i.e., name, phone number, residential address, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance policy number, etc).
  4. Collect the contact information of present witnesses who may provide testimony in your court proceedings later on.
  5. Have the EMTs and paramedics who respond to your accident provide you with immediate medical attention.
  6. Allow the EMTs and paramedics to transport you to the emergency room via an ambulance to receive further medical attention.
  7. Gather copies of your medical records and medical bills throughout your necessary treatment plan.

You must not take any chances when it comes to your personal injury claim. So please retain the services of a competent Toronto auto accident lawyer from Merricks Law Group, P.A. as soon as you can.

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