How Does a Rear-End Collision Impact My Spine?

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It may be frustrating for your car to get damaged in an accident that was due to no fault of your own to begin with. But you may find it completely unjust that you now have to suffer serious bodily injuries in its aftermath. And if your accident is particularly a rear-end collision, you may, unfortunately, have to anticipate incurring a back injury of some sort. Continue reading to learn how a rear-end collision may cause damage to your spine and how an experienced Toronto car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you recover from such injuries.

How does a rear-end collision lead to damage to my spine?

Neck and back injuries are the most common injuries that arise from a rear-end collision.

Specifically for you, your spine may have been injured as it moved back and forth quickly upon impact. With this, you may have never anticipated that the car behind you was going to forcefully hit the rear of your car. This may have inhibited you from bracing your body for impact, so to speak.

So with this quick back-and-forth motion, in addition to your body’s aggressive strike against the seatback, the natural curve of your spine may have been disrupted. Further, this may have resulted in any of the following types of spinal cord damage:

  • You may have incurred a spinal fracture: with a condition called spondylolisthesis, your nerves or spinal canal may be compressed and thereby cause pain and numbness.
  • You may have incurred a slipped discs: with your discs no longer providing cushion between your vertebrae, you may thereby experience pain and numbness.
  • You may have incurred a spinal cord injury: with small injuries to your spinal processes and nerves, you may thereby experience temporary, partial, or permanent paralysis.

How do I recover from my spinal cord injury?

Your back may feel normal immediately following the impact of your rear-end collision. This may be because you are running on adrenaline. But this may also be because spinal cord injuries often do not surface until hours, days, or even weeks post-impact.

This is all to say that you must seek immediate medical attention regardless of how your back is feeling. This means calling an ambulance to the scene of your accident and allowing paramedics and EMTs to tend to you. This also entails allowing these first responders to transport you to the emergency room in their ambulance for additional medical tests and examinations.

Then, you should collect all these medical records and medical bills to use in your personal injury claim against the negligent driver. If you have a successful claim, then the court may order the defendant to pay for your medical bills and any other damages you suffered in the aftermath of your accident.

You must not suffer in silence but rather take immediate action and retain the services of a skilled Toronto auto accident lawyer. Contact Merricks Law Group, P.A. today.

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