Common Causes of Truck Accidents and How to Avoid Them

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Commercial truck accidents are one of the most dangerous types of auto accidents in Toronto, as they can lead to devastating injuries, if not death. Continue reading to discover the most common causes of truck accidents and what to do if you are injured in one. If you require compensation for your damages, an experienced Toronto truck accident lawyer can assist you in filing a successful personal injury claim.

What are the most frequent causalities of truck accidents?

Accidents involving 18-wheelers in Toronto are most commonly caused by truck driver negligence. Examples of such negligence include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Driving while fatigued: this is common due to truck drivers often having to drive long hours into the night, which leads to significantly reduced reflex time or ability to react to stimuli.
  • Reckless driving: this includes speeding, failing to allow sufficient time to break, or neglecting large blind spots.
  • Distracted driving: this includes using electronic devices without hands-free technology.
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Aside from truck driver negligence, accidents can occur if truck employers fail to ensure their drivers are conducting company affairs that may endanger the safety of others. Also, company employees may be held responsible for an accident if they, for example, neglect to maintain a truck or load the truck improperly.

What should I do after being injured in a truck accident?

If you were involved in a truck driver accident in Toronto, you may be eligible to receive compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, or pain and suffering. Follow the below steps to set yourself up for a successful personal injury claim:

  1. Call the police. They will conduct a police report, which you should collect afterward, as well as bring medical assistance to the scene.
  2. Take photos and videos of the scene of the accident, including your injuries and other damages.
  3. Collect the other party’s personal information, which includes their name, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance company name and policy. If there are witnesses present, collect their information as well.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention as soon as it is available to you. If you end up at a hospital, collect all medical documents and bills afterward.
  5. Retain the services of a seasoned Ontario personal injury lawyer who will work to satisfy the burden of proof to recover the compensation you require to heal.

What is the statute of limitations for truck accidents in Toronto?

The statute of limitations for truck accident claims in Toronto is generally two years from the date of your accident. However, the sooner you file your claim against the negligent truck driver, the better.

Contact Our Experienced Toronto Personal Injury Firm

If you have been injured in an accident due to no fault of your own, you need a lawyer who truly cares about your best interests. Contact a Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer at Merricks Law Group today.

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