What Are the Common Causes of Fatal Pedestrian Accidents?

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Even though you may be granted the right of way as a pedestrian, you must still be overly careful as you navigate the Toronto roads. This is because, in your vulnerable state as a pedestrian, you may stand little to no chance up against the sheer size, weight, and speed of a motor vehicle. Sadly, it happens far too often that upon such impact, a pedestrian is left fatally injured. Read on to discover the most common causes of fatal pedestrian accidents and how a seasoned Toronto pedestrian accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you achieve justice in the matter.

What are the most common causes of fatal pedestrian accidents in Toronto?

According to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, approximately 92 pedestrians were killed in fatal personal injury collisions in 2022. Many variables at play may lend to this unfortunate statistic. They read as follows:

  • A motor vehicle driver may have been passing through a narrow road that was too small to share with a present pedestrian.
  • A motor vehicle driver may have been speeding and therefore did not have enough of a reaction time to yield to a pedestrian.
  • A motor vehicle driver may have been distracted and therefore did not notice a pedestrian’s presence in their point of direction.
  • A motor vehicle driver may have experienced impaired visibility due to inclement weather and therefore did not spot a pedestrian on time.
  • A pedestrian may have fallen victim to a faulty pedestrian traffic light and therefore crossed an intersection at the wrong time.
  • A pedestrian may have fallen victim to a construction zone and therefore was not afforded an alternative, safe walkway.

What is my eligibility to file a wrongful death claim after a fatal pedestrian accident?

It may be the most unfortunate day when you learn that your loved one was killed in a fatal pedestrian accident. Though nothing can quite make up for the fact that they are no longer around, you may still fight for justice and respect for their name. That is, you may file a wrongful death claim against the negligent motor vehicle driver, or other third party, on their behalf.

Before you take this leap into the legal space, though, you must first confirm that you are eligible to file on their behalf. That is, your loved one must have lost their life due to another party’s negligence. Then, this must have been part of a personal injury accident where they would have been entitled to financial compensation if they were still alive. Lastly, your loved one’s wrongful death must have negatively impacted your life in some sort of way, financially or otherwise.

If you have any further questions or concerns on the matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to a competent Toronto auto accident lawyer. Schedule your initial consultation with Merricks Law Group, P.A. today.

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